All right, this is getting silly. It's been over a year since I've posted on this blog. I took some time off to really get a handle on taking pictures and creating art. So from now on, I promise I will be updating at least twice a month. I've learned a lot over the past year, and I want to share as much as I can. Let's start with this one!
This photo was taken in Port Hardy BC. I had just received a Canon EOS 40D for Christmas, and I wanted to try it out. The way the sun was trying to come through the clouds on an otherwise dreary day on the North Island, looked interesting to me. So I stopped near the end of the boardwalk to try a few shots. Since I was new to the camera, I didn't realize that the ISO setting was at 1600, or that my exposure time was at 1/3200 sec. And my F-stop was at f/20. I just sort of turned my camera on and went for it. I'd never owned a DSLR before, what the hell did I know?? In the end, I wound up with an interesting shot (once I changed the filters around and edited the photo in Paint.Net) that will always remind me that, sometimes even when you don't quite know what you're doing, not many pictures are unable to be saved or appreciated :)
Okay. Well, I will have another update in a few days. Again, to those of you that were reading this blog, sorry for the long unexplained absence. I have returned and am around to stay! :D
Nice shot