I was visiting him, his ex-fiance and their little boy Shane. It was a beautiful, late summer day and I'd just gotten a new camera for my photojournalism class at Vancouver Island University. We were sitting outside when we saw this butterfly (which I later found out was a Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly) sitting in the grass. I immediately went to work with my camera taking all sorts of wonderful close up shots, but something seemed to be missing...My friend decided to let the butterfly walk onto his hand and carried it around on the back of his hand for a good 20 minutes or so. And I was happily snapping away, trying to get a great shot. Then we noticed the butterfly was crawling up his arm and eventually it climbed onto his face. My eyes lit up. My friend noticed and said "what?" I just grinned and said "stay put, this'll make an awesome shot and one hell of a story!" So I walked around to the side the butterfly was on, tilted the camera and "click!" went my shutter. I did a little editing with a program called Paint.Net, just to tweak the lighting and give it a more "artistic/magazine" type quality. Now I've got a great shot and a fond memory of someone, whom, I'm sad to say, I have fallen out of touch with. Maybe someone we both know will come across my blog and get us back in touch. Life's full of surprises!
Well, that's all she wrote for now! Hope you liked it!
This butterfly actually spent to whole weekend in Trevor's house! Guess the little guy/lady just needed a place to crash after the sugar rush lol
Gosh that's touching! I hope you guys can be friends again one day! Love the picture and the sentiment that comes with it.